An error occurred while loading the file. Please try again.
Ruben Daniels authored40678b65
[color = "background"] {
light: #330000
dark: #ff0000
[color = "highlight"] {
light: #000
dark: #fff
[style = "my-label-text"] {
border: background 1
color: highlight
[style = "active"] {
background: background
[renderer = "generalEditor"] {
sequence: labels starred other dates
excluded: deleted syncState uid
readOnly: uid
groups {
dates: dateCreated dateModified dateAccessed changelog
starred: star
labels {
foreach: false
EditorRow {
title: "{displayName}"
Text {
show: {{!.labels.count}}
text: "no labels yet"
FlowStack {
list: {{.labels}}
Button {
press: openViewByName {
name: "all-items-with-label"
arguments: {
name: "Soccer team"
uid: 0x0124
VStack {
background: {{.color}}
cornerRadius: 5
Text {
text: "{.name}"
font: 16 semibold
color: #fff
padding: 5 8 5 8
dates {
foreach: false
sectionTitle: ""
Text {
alignment: center
textalign: center
text: "{.describeChangelog()}"
padding: 30 40 40 40
color: #999
font: 13
maxChar: 300
[language = "English"] {
sharewith: "Share with..."
addtolist: "Add to list..."
duplicate: "Duplicate"
showtimeline: "Show Timeline"
timelineof: "Timeline of this"
starred: "Starred"
all: "All"
[language = "Dutch"] {
sharewith: "Deel met..."
addtolist: "Voeg toe aan lijst..."
duplicate: "Dupliceer"
showtimeline: "Toon Tijdslijn"
timelineof: "Tijdslijn van deze"
starred: "Favoriete"
all: "Alle"
"defaultButtonsForDataItem" {
editActionButton: toggleEditMode
openView {
icon: "increase.indent"
title: "{$showtimeline}"
view: {
defaultRenderer: timeline
queryOptions {
query: "AuditItem appliesTo:{.id}"
sortProperty: dateCreated
sortAscending: true
[renderer = timeline] {
timeProperty: dateCreated
contextButtons: star schedule
{ name: showSharePanel, title: "{$sharewith}" }
{ name: addToPanel, title: "{$addtolist}" }
{ name: duplicate, title: "{$duplicate} {type}" }
openView {
title: "{$timelineof} {type.lowercased()}"
view: {
defaultRenderer: timeline
queryOptions {
query: "AuditItem appliesTo:{.id}"
sortProperty: dateCreated
sortAscending: true
[renderer = timeline] {
timeProperty: dateCreated
openViewByName {
title: "{$starred} {type.plural()}"
name: "filter-starred"
arguments: {
fromTemplate: "all-{type}"
openViewByName {
title: "{$all} {type.lowercased().plural()}"
name: "all-{type}"
Person {
title: "{.firstName}"
defaultRenderer: generalEditor
"defaultButtonsForDataItem" { type: "Person" }
[renderer = generalEditor] {
groups {
profilePicture: profilePicture
names: firstName lastName
picturesOfPerson: nil
sequence: profilePicture labels names picturesOfPerson phoneNumbers relations addresses websites companies diets medicalConditions publicKeys onlineProfiles other dates
/*excluded: profilePicture labels names picturesOfPerson phoneNumbers*/
readOnly: nil
picturesOfPerson {
foreach: false
sectionTitle: "Photos of {.computedTitle()}"
SubView {
minHeight: 165
view {
defaultRenderer: thumbnail.grid
queryOptions {
query: "photo AND ANY includes.uid = '0x013'"
[renderer = thumbnail.grid] {
columns: 5
itemInset: 0
arguments: {
toolbar: false
searchbar: false
readonly: true
profilePicture {
sectionTitle: ""
ZStack {
alignment: center
Image {
image: {{.}}
border: #ccc 1
resizable: fill
minHeight: 250
maxHeight: 250
opacity: 0.6
align: center
ZStack {
border: #fff 27
padding: 12
maxWidth: 140
maxHeight: 140
cornerRadius: 100
align: center
Image {
image: {{.}}
resizable: fill
HSTack {
align: center
maxWidth: 140
maxHeight: 140
condition: {{!readOnly}}
Button {
press: add
cornerRadius: 25
maxWidth: 50
maxHeight: 50
background: #eee
color: #434343
align: center
font: 14 regular
Text { text: "Edit" }
labels {
foreach: false
sectionTitle: ""
VSTack {
padding: 10 36 5 36
Text {
show: {{!.labels.count}}
text: "no labels yet"
FlowStack {
list: {{.labels}}
button {
press: openViewByName {
name: "all-items-with-label"
arguments: {
name: "Soccer team"
uid: 0x0124
VStack {
background: {{.color}}
cornerRadius: 5
Text {
text: "{.name}"
font: 16 semibold
color: #fff
padding: 5 8 5 8
publicKeys {
EditorRow {
title: "{.name}"
Text {
text: "{.key}"
onlineProfiles {
EditorRow {
title: "{.type}"
VStack {
cornerRadius: 5
Text {
text: "{.handle}"
Person[] {
title: "All People"
defaultRenderer: list
emptyResultText: "There are no people here yet"
queryOptions {
query: "person"
sortProperty: dateModified
add {
template: {
type: "Person"
editActionButton: toggleEditMode
filterButtons: showStarred toggleFilterPanel
[renderer = list] {
VStack {
alignment: left
padding: 5 0 0 20
HStack {
alignment: center
ZStack {
padding: 12
maxWidth: 25
maxHeight: 25
cornerRadius: 30
align: center
margin: 5 15 9 0
Image {
image: {{.profilePicture}}
resizable: fill
minHeight: 60
maxHeight: 60
VStack {
Text {
text: "{.firstName} {.lastName}"
font: 18 semibold
color: #333
padding: 0 0 3 0
Text {
text: "Brother"
font: 14 regular
color: #888
padding: 0050
Rectangle {
minHeight: 1
maxHeight: 1
color: #efefef
padding: 0 0 0 0