Erfan Jazeb Nikoo requested to merge
qa into
- Implement the markdown conversion
- Article full text, recipient_message_bubble, & sender_message_bubble are now copyable!
- Removed the plugin to support HTML CSS
- Mixpanel | make $distinct_id display user POD key - TBC
- Mixpanel | record number properties as values not as button labels
- ML feedback - chat | implement FE
- ML feedback - chat | Mixpanel update
- LLM chat history | update Mixpanel
- Added style sheet for markdown texts to support quote block
- LLM summary feed & cat | end point implementation
- LLM summary feed & cat | implement the FE UI
- Fixed many interface issues with chat bubbles
- Fixed the haptic continuous vibration
- Prompt & send button now make the scroller jump to the beginning
- Like and dislike buttons now show if they are selected with a solid icon
- Added select and deselect all button
- Sorted the subcategories by name
- added a Mixpanel event for select/deselect all button
- Made a new widget for the custom markdown
- Changed the button in add_news_source_modal from 'Add' to 'Save'
- New nav bar
- New split screen in the home screen
- New way to chat with memri llm bot
- Many new layout updates to support the chatbot on the home screen
- Article chat | Disable send and wand icons when the bot is typing so the user cannot submit multiple prompts at the same time
- Add the publisher publisher_suggestion_card Fix the infinity scroll issue suggestion cards place random between feed cards
- change the 5 year old query
- fixed the add/remove RSS source issue
- fixed the scroll control issue in the feed
- Fixed the password visibility icons
- fixed bug before loading categories
- Settings - update page names FE
- Changed the first article chat prompt
- articles should display the full title
- added the new Typeform links for publisher_suggestion_card
- Settings - update page titles
- Put the version number on the splash screen
- move the RSS request CTA higher in the feed
- Error Handling | Add the error toast for the feed endpoint
- Mixpanel v1.3 | On Mixpanel use Multiple Aliases to point to the same identifier
- Publishers | Make all publishers selected by default after adding new publishers
- Fixed the nav bar issue when the feed is loading the articles
- Added a new endpoint to fetch archived articles
- Added a new RegExp for the 'item id' in summary_category_card
- fixed the memory chat
- chat RSS feed added
- add batch query endpoint
- Moved the new RSS feed chat from llm_chat_api to news_api
- used the new RSS feed chat endpoint instead of the memory chat
- Added the error handling for chat endpoints
- Disable gzip compression for RSS chat request
- Added two new events for chat open and chat prompt
- Fixed an issue with the selected category name
- LLM category chat | default prompts missing
- make all publishers selected by default after adding new publishers
- tweak prompt 1 - explain my feed in a simple sentence (Removed It)
- loading feed issue when there is no publisher
- if the query is empty, the user should not be able to submit the query using the return key
- Fixed the bug when activating chat from the feed, the user jumps back to the first category
- Fixed the bug when activating chat from the feed, the user stays on the category but jumps back to the top of the category